Physical properties were determined on specimens prepared under laboratory conditions using applicable ASTM procedures. Actual field conditions may vary and yield different results; therefore, data is subject to reasonable deviation.

RestoKrete® SubstrateResurfacer F-121 by Sauereisen is a high strength substrate repair material designed for an economical repair where deterioration is greater than small voids, bug holes and irregularities in concrete or brick substrates. F-121 repair material is designed as a water resistant barrier to aid in the prevention of inflow and infiltration.

RestoKrete® SubstrateResurfacer is Portland cement-based material used where the surface integrity needs to be restored. F-121 is proven in many types of brick and concrete structures in various industries, including wastewater environments.


  • Pumpable and sprayable.
  • Economical.
  • Moisture tolerant.
  • Applied by spincast/spray.
  • Safe to use, non-toxic.
  • Trowelable.