Physical properties were determined on specimens prepared under laboratory conditions using applicable ASTM procedures. Actual field conditions may vary and yield different results; therefore, data are subject to reasonable deviation.

Sauereisen High Temperature Membrane 89 is a single-component, asphaltic mastic recommended as an impervious membrane under corrosion-resistant monolithic linings or acid-resistant brick masonry for the protection of metal or concrete substrates. Spray application with airless equipment results in a flexible coating resistant to acids, alkalies and salts associated with flue gas environments and substrate movement from temperature changes or other causes. The product is not recommended for use in oil, grease and solvent environments. 89 is not generally recommended for continuous liquid immersion. 89 maintains excellent elasticity and adhesion to concrete or steel substrates over a temperature range of -60°F to 300°F.


  • Outstanding chemical resistance to acids and alkalies.
  • Recommended for use from -60°F to 300°F.
  • Easy to apply. Can be topcoated within 24 hours.
  • Suitable for application as a membrane on steel or concrete substrates.
  • Excellent elasticity.
  • Very low permeability