Inflow & Infiltration
To prevent the costly effects of I&I, Sauereisen offers materials for spot repairs and full surface rehabilitation and sealing.
Product IndexTo prevent the costly effects of I&I, Sauereisen offers materials for spot repairs and full surface rehabilitation and sealing.
Product IndexPhysical properties were determined on specimens prepared under laboratory conditions using applicable ASTM procedures. Actual field conditions may vary and yield different results; therefore, data is subject to reasonable deviation.
Sauereisen SewerSealTM F-170 is a cementitious water infiltration barrier for use in wastewater collection systems. The product combines 100% calcium aluminate cement with finely graded inert aggregate, thereby offering notable corrosion resistance to mild acids and alkalies.
SewerSealTM commonly seals and resurfaces deteriorated masonry and concrete structures. Typical applications include manholes, wet wells, lift stations, and pump stations common to municipal wastewater. This product exhibits high strength to withstand loads imposed upon underground infrastructure.
Physical properties were determined on specimens prepared under laboratory conditions using applicable ASTM procedures. Actual field conditions may vary and yield different results; therefore, data is subject to reasonable deviation.
Sauereisen SewerSealTM F-170FS is a fast setting cementitious calcium aluminate repair mortar for use in wastewater collection and treatment systems. It develops strength very rapidly and is primarily used as a deep patch repair material or as a restoration lining. F-170FS combines 1 00% calcium aluminate cement with finely graded inert aggregate, thereby offering notable corrosion
resistance to mild acids and alkalies.
SewerSealTM repairs and seals deteriorated masonry, brick and concrete surfaces. Typical applications include manhole walls, benches and channels, as well as wet well, lift station and pump station surfaces and other structures common to municipal wastewater. This product exhibits high strength quickly to withstand loads imposed upon underground infrastructure.
Physical properties were determined on specimens prepared under laboratory conditions using applicable ASTM procedures. Actual field conditions may vary and yield different results; therefore, data is subject to reasonable deviation.
Sauereisen InstaPlug F-180 is a rapid setting, hydraulic water plug for sealing active water leaks, filling small voids and special anchoring applications.
Typical industry applications are: eliminating water leakage in below grade concrete and masonry structures, manhole rehabilitation, and patches in new precast concrete sections and mortar joints.
InstaPlug F-180 is also used for sealing active water leaks prior to application of any Sauereisen waterproofing, structural repair, or corrosion-resistant materials.
Physical properties were determined on specimens prepared under laboratory conditions using applicable ASTM procedures. Actual field conditions may vary and yield different results; therefore, data are subject to reasonable deviation.
Sauereisen H2OPruf No. F-190 is a two-component, crystalline water proofing coating for use on concrete or masonry structures to prevent water seepage through the substrate.
Application of the waterproofing kit is by masonry brush or mechanical spray equipment. No F-190 withstands both positive and negative side pressure.
This material is specially recommended to withstand hydrostatic pressure on the negative side of below grade structures. Two coats withstand water pressure up to 69 feet of head. Three coats will seal a substrate exposed to 100 feet of water head.
Sauereisen H2OPruf No. F-190 is used to seal sumps, trenches, tanks, manholes and below grade walls in wastewater treatment, power, pulp & paper, and steel industries.
Physical properties were determined on specimens prepared under laboratory conditions using applicable ASTM procedures. Actual field conditions may vary and yield different results; therefore, data is subject to reasonable deviation.
Sauereisen F-370 is a catalyzed hydrophobic polyurethane liquid. F-370 expands when it meets any source of water or moisture before curing. F-370 adheres tenaciously to practically any substrate – wet or dry.
Grout F-370 is used to stop leakage through cracked or honeycombed concrete, voids, expansion joints and pipe intrusions. Applied by injection, the grout is commonly specified to repair concrete walls, ceilings and floors. It is also recommended for use in tunnels, manholes, sewer lines, tanks, dikes, and dams. Sauereisen F-370 has excellent chemical resistance and may be used in a wide range of chemical environments.
F-370 packaged in a 5 Gallon unit is a hydrophobic grade non-flexible system.
F-370 packaged in a 22-ounce, (300 ml) dual-cartridge is a hydrophobic grade flexible system.
Physical properties were determined on specimens prepared under laboratory conditions using applicable ASTM procedures. Actual field conditions may vary and yield different results; therefore, data is subject to reasonable deviation.
Sauereisen Manhole ChimneySeal F-88 is an elastomeric lining composed of fiber-reinforced, asphalt-modified urethane. ChimneySeal is used as a chemical-resistant membrane or gasket seal for the prevention of water infiltration.
Manhole ChimneySeal has excellent adhesion to most substrates. As a high solids elastomer, it is recommended when movement from temperature change or other causes will be encountered.
Manhole ChimneySeal maintains excellent elasticity and adhesion over a temperature range of -30°F to 250°F. The flexible barrier resists freeze/thaw stresses and movement. When subjected to mechanical stress, the lining has nearly 100% recovery. Manhole ChimneySeal also resists alkalies, salts and acid.